Daniel J. Taylor, Ph.D., D,BSM, D,ABSM

headshot of Daniel Taylor

Dr. Taylor is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Arizona. He is a licensed psychologist and is a Diplomate of both Sleep Medicine and Behavioral Sleep Medicine. He has significant expertise in both the epidemiology and treatment of comorbid sleep disorders, primarily insomnia, nightmares and circadian rhythm disorders. His past federally funded observational research has examined the interface of insomnia and sleep disturbance with inflammation, disease risk, and immune function (5R01HL109340, 1R15AI085558, 1R15AI085558). His past clinical trial research has focused on the efficacy and effectiveness of treating insomnia comorbid with other disorders (1R03AR053266, W81XWH-10-1-0828, and W81XWH-13-2-0065/1I01CU000144-01). Dr. Taylor is currently the PI of an NIH R01 investigating “Sleep and Vaccine Response in Nurses (SAV-RN)” a DoD grant "Web-based provider training for cognitive behavioral therapy of insomnia (CBTi)" and a PAC-12 grant "The PAC-12 Student-Athlete Health and Well-Being Mental Health Coordinating Unit (MHCU)". 

Curriculum Vitae

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